Why did the Pope want to kill the President?

I have previously raised the spectre of Vatican involvement in the 1963 assassination of President John Kennedy.

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Unfortunately there has been little investigation of this possibility. Even though we know the Catholic Church had the means, the motivation, and the prior record, to suggest that they were involved. After all, Lee Harvey Oswald was a Catholic. And infidelity is a mortal sin Jack.

But what about now? With the forthcoming crowning of El Presidente Donald Trump, should the Vatican put their feelers out to the nascent resistance movement in the US to ask if their expertise may be required again? As well as being a notorious anti-Catholic, Trump has a long list of diabolical habits and insane perversions that should preclude him from ever being on the world stage. Remember, he is a convicted felon. In fact the embarrassment of Trump being elected has caused many of the good people of the USA to hang their head in shame. And no person can bear shame for too long. Eventually the choice will come whether to suffer with it, or remove the source.

Don't say it can't be done, cause it has been done, and by God, it will be done.

This of course raises the question on how they would do it. If you have studied it like I have, you can see that there is a multitude of ways the Papacy could remove this poison from the body of the American Politic. The Catholic Church is a huge organisation, with many sects and subgroups. It has tens of thousands of brainwashed cadre ready to do what their superior demands. Hundreds of properties which can hide and give succor to fugitives on the run. An impressive PR division, and millions of devoted followers, ready to tow the Vatican line, and deny and dissemble about any possible Vatican malfeasance.

Trumps proclivity for the female form is well known. A suitably attired young Nun could easily lure him in to a sexual dalliance. There with the kiss of her poison coated lips on his rather unimpressive member, she could deliver the fatal blow. A trained Jesuit assassination team could scout and find the perfect place to eliminate him. An errant crucifix could find its way deep into his morbidly obese body, striking a mortal blow.

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The leap from Spiritual Leader to hardened assassin is easier than you think.

Now the naive of you out there might be thinking how could this be? The Catholic Church is a moral institution, surely it must be duty bound to follow the Ten Commandments? You know, the no killing bit. Well, I would just point out its long history of Machiavellian power games and political gamesmanship. It has been known since the time of Charlemagne that when Rome wants someone out of the way, they will get them out of the way.

The task itself will take long and careful deliberation. Planning and clandestine communications between participants will be absolutely necessary. So no social media blathering please! DC is a town full of hidey holes and secret communication points. Even a return to the world of invisible ink and carrier pigeons is not out of the question for our intrepid freedom fighters. For their faith requirements there will be no issues; hidden confessional booths are secreted in the many back alleys of the Nation's Capitol. Camouflaged taps dispensing Holy Water. Wafers of the flesh freely available in the right stores. My sources tell me that plans are already afoot. They have the housing, the weapons, and the sponsors, all at the ready. Just give us the word they say, and the Orangeman will be gone.

"Listen people, good Catholics are volunteering for the job right now! Padre Pio. Father Mackenzie. Sister Golden Hair Surprise." 

But questions of retribution must also weigh heavily on the Pope's mind before he gives the call. Trump is quickly filling his administration with yesmen and like minded scoundrels. They all want a long and financially rewarding ride on the Trump gravy Train, so they will have their eyes open for any anti-Trump activity. Pope Francis needs to play it cool and calm, like Pope Paul VI did back in '63. Don't uncock the gun until you are ready to shoot Papa!

Given the dilapidated state of the Democrat Party the only true challenge to Trumps mayhem will have to come from the people. And the people will need some help. Likely it will need to grow out the barrel of a gun. Or a poisoned pen. Already the re-born resistance is saying that there will be no 'Afghan Withdrawl' this time. That their opposition to Trump will be steadfast and strong. Let us hope and pray that Il Papa will do the right thing and give the order to save us all!

Today the signal has been sent... Freedom fighters have been unleashed all over the world, in Tbilisi and Aleppo. Strike hard, while the iron is hot and Sleepy Joe is uncorking the mayhem!



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