Ethical Conundrums

Is Trump a Fascist?

And if he is, doesn't that make Sleepy Joe Biden Fascist-adjacent? As there isn't much he did that was different to the Orangeman.

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Why did the Pope want to kill the President?

I have previously raised the spectre of Vatican involvement in the 1963 assassination of President John Kennedy.

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US Election 2024

The choices have never been starker. As the World stands on a precipice, who will you choose as the new World Leader?

Knocking off a Yankee President. Why is it so hard nowadays?

Poor old ex-President Trump. He is continually being targeted for elimination. But lucky for him the skills of the Presidential hit-men appear to have waned somewhat in recent times.

Why, it is over 60 years since the last Yankee leader was knocked off. Prior to that it was a fairly regular event.

So what has gone wrong with today's Presidential assassins?

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People Accused of Crimes

Lots of people been accused of crimes nowadays. It seems the thing to do...

Philosophical Solace while Death is at the Door

Need some inspiration to beat the climate change blues? Well here are 10 easy ways to defeat this oncoming scourge...

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The Year That Was 2024

From The Archives