Reverse Nationalism

Living in the same country for more than ten years should be shunned (with exemptions for illness and disability). Otherwise: OUT... pack up, sell, up and OUT. And off to another country. Mandatory itineracy will see the end of patriotism and the end of the ignorance that goes hand in hand with Nationalism.
Net Migration Rate Population Reference Bureau CurrentNet migration rate, in persons per thousand.

Persons should be celebrated when they have only lived in a country for a short time. If they have lived in the same country for more than five years and have no plans in place toward their next destination country then they should be looked down upon and increasingly shunned. At ten years they should be forceably deported to a country on the low popularity index.

And no going back and forward to the same two countries. A new country on every rotation. During a lifetime a person should typically live in at least ten countries. One country per decade at a minimum. However one could move to a new country every year should they want to. And the authorities should make this as simple as possible with various international house swap arrangements and free freight and travel.

The proposal also exponentially improves the gene pool of the race.

(Immigration map created by under CC BY 4.0 licence)

The Year That Was 2024