
Reverse Nationalism

Living in the same country for more than ten years should be shunned (with exemptions for illness and disability). Otherwise: OUT... pack up, sell, up and OUT. And off to another country. Mandatory itineracy will see the end of patriotism and the end of the ignorance that goes hand in hand with Nationalism.
Net Migration Rate Population Reference Bureau CurrentNet migration rate, in persons per thousand.

Reader's Question: Which religious figure best represents the "woke mind virus"?

Let's just put a few things out here first... has been 'woke' since the start of the Internet. Just like us being the original hipsters, has always been on top of whatever the latest trend may be. No doubt that is why you are reading us here now; so you too can find out whatever the 'in' crowd are up to.

In any case, Pugsley has a question about the 'wokeness' that grips us all:

The "Woke" and the "Knuckle Dragger"

When a person uses "Woke" as a criticism it generally indicates the user is bereft of nuance and that any further debate will typically be pointless.

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"I am just driving My Tractor into Amsterdam for a while"

Freedom fighters or just plan old fuckwits? Or is it something more sinister perhaps. Translated from Dutch, the voices from the farmer convoys parading around that country:

"Just me and my mates going for a drive, that's all."

"We are going up there cause we have had a gutfull."

"Don't you jab tell me what to do!"


When the 2002 ASIO bill was introduced to the Federal Parliament, it was analysed and debated for 12 months, sometimes by more than one parliamentary committee, leading to crucial changes and bipartisan support.

At the time, the Prime Minister declared that “through the great parliamentary process that this country has I believe we have got the balance right”.

Is Jesus and all his Lovers Leading Australia to the promised COVID-free land?

Back in the day...You used to be embarrassed to say if you were religious. You would be (rightly) mocked and scorned. Laughed out of the room in fact!

But now it seems there are heaps of bible-thumping, tongue wagging, Christian lunatics around. Who all love to loudly proclaim their Faith and tell all and sundry how they are Born Again Jesus lovers. And what's even worse is that some of these fuckwits are now in our political parties and holding the Reins of Power!


A sneak peek at NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet's underwear.