Someone did the job on Tony

We think it was that prick James Gandolfini

Tony Soprano with the ducksa>

Guilty or not guilty? Watch Video


Rumour has it that stellar correspondent Patriot has been invited as a regular guest on Andrew Bolt’s new Channel 10 TV show ‘The Bolt Report’.


Patriot’s tough and hard hitting reporting has been a feature of from way back since the start of the war on terror. Not afraid to tell it the way he sees it, his hard hitting reporting from trouble spots around the globe has garnered many fans but also many critics.


Patriot was this Tyrants nemesis!

Saddam Hussein. Some say his downfall is directly attributable to Patriot's articles.


Currently on assignment, Patriot spoke about the rumours to from an undisclosed location:

“I am honoured by the suggestion that I could in some way be involved with Andrew Bolt's TV show. Andy, as I call him, is one journalist who stands up to the prevailing left bias in the media. We see eye to eye on many issues and I think it is wonderful that Channel 10 is finally trying to get some balance back into the Australian TV reporting”

Bush a stalwart fighter against terrorism and a favourite of Patriot.


US President George W Bush was an avid reader of Patriot. It is believed he gave top level clearance for Patriot to be in Baghdad when it was liberated by US troops in 2003. editor Tex Lumbago however seemed non-plussed about losing Patriot to the new show. An inebriated Lumbago is reported to have told staff at the last summit meeting:

“So. Patriot wants to leave us. Does he think I give a shit if he stays or goes? Fuck him and the horse he rode in on! I fucking made that cunt and I can tear him fucking down if I want to as well!

And that goes for any other of those fucking loser ‘journalists’ we have. Did you hear that Max!?!”

He then abruptly ended the meeting by slamming his office door and heading back to his table for another line.


Tex Lumbago gives Patriot the arse! editor Tex Lumbago had this to say about Patriot: "He can fuck off for all I care!"


While confirmation of Patriot’s role in The Bolt Report is yet to be made you can be sure that you will hear it first here at

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