

Our Boxboy is famed throughout the World. His intellect unmatched. His words of wisdom like music to the ears of the ill-informed and ignorant. Speaking of which, here is some dumb prick bothering him right now...



Dear Boxhead,

On their first day of court Charles Manson and his cohorts slashed the letter "X" onto their foreheads. The following day the rest of the family turned up outside the courthouse with their foreheads also marked and bleeding in the same way. They then distributed flyers advising that the X symbolised "X-ing" themselves "out of society".

Crazy Elon Musk has held a similar fascination with the symbol "X" for most of his life.

And then there is this website which represents in a similar fashion?

To cut to the quick, are you and the rest of the people that run this website total fucking nut jobs?


Ex-Tesla owner


Dear Tosser,

I've also been noticing a lot of crazy Micks drawing a X on their foreheads lately. Must be the fashion nowadays.

As for the 'X' of this website, I dunno. They dragged me out of a Darwin gutter years ago to be their 'Heartbalm' correspondent, but never did tell me about the whys & wherefores of this website. Don't bother me in any case because you see Mr ExTossil, I have my cranium in a cardboard castle. My mind, and all my intelligence, safely ensconced behind cardboard protection. My mood always serene. My eyes always open. Floating through life like a Rock'N'Roll spy; cool as a cucumber and a magnet for the chicks. So hardly a nut job.

As for the other assorted fuckwits here, that ain't none of my business. Except that Ricardovitiz. He is a rolled gold moron.


Foxy Boxy

boxhead horn

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