60 minutes program/Haneef/Trial...

I wrote a letter to 60 minutes today after watching the interview last night.
Please read it. I would appreciate any comments, pos or neg.

Here it is:
"When Tara Brown says things like: "Unfortunately for Dr Haneef, his second cousin, Kafeel Ahmed, was very much thinking about terrorism when he helped mastermind the car bombs that were meant to blow up central London."

and asks simple questions like " When did you first hear that your cousins were involved in the terrorist acts in the UK?"

or loaded questions like "Was it designed to help with a terrorist act?...... I wonder why the British authorities would bother appointing Crown prosecutor Karen Jones for the trial of Kafeel Ahmed in about 12 months time? Her work and The Judges decision has already been done. Also, I don;t know anything about law but such type of wording would fall under "The sub judice rule" wouldn't it?"