#AskBoxhead - Can you be the new President please?

How about Boxhead as the President of the USA? Sounds crazy to us, but for some people it seems their only hope...

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Dear Mr Boxhead,

The recent US Presidential debate between tweedle-dum and tweedle-dumber has revealed the American body politic to be bereft of intelligence, ideas, or clothes. The twin fools Trump and Biden can only lead this great nation to rack and ruin. We really need a brand new hero to come and save us all. As such, I propose that you Mr Boxhead become the new Democrat nomination for this year's Presidential Election. You seem to have the erudition and moral fibre that the people of the USA are crying out for. I have even made some preliminary images of you on the hustings, and from them you can see how easily you can assume this role.

Mr Boxhead please give us your nod of approval, and I will arrange your funding shortly.

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Yours sincerely,

Desperate Intern,

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, DC


Dear Desperate,

Thanks, but not thanks. I wouldn't touch your Idiotland with a pointed stick. Maybe you can ask that other clown Herr Fucknuckle to stand instead? From what I have read he has the qualifications needed, as he is both a moron and a sexual pervert.

Also, do not send me any of these AI generated monstrosities. I only keep it real in my box. The visions I have here are more visceral and truthful than any machine can dream of. If you keep doing it, you will get a call from my lawyers. And it won't be pleasant.

Now, fuck off.



 boxy on lounge


The Year That Was 2024