Scotty from Marketing & COVID19

What a difference a week makes.

Get off the roof and get in the bunker!

A few choice online news headlines say it all:

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COVID-19 death toll rises in Australia, NSW records 50 cases in 24 hours; Australians could now face prison if they break new rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19; Restaurants, pubs, venues face ‘devastating’ six months; Panic buying sparks national shortages of children’s medication; Australian shares plunge 6.4% and AFL season to start as planned amid Covid-19 outbreak [but without spectators]; Scott Morrison defends decision to attend rugby league game during coronavirus outbreak; Australian government recommends cancellation of mass events; Qantas and Jetstar cancel international flights and stand down 20,000 employees; Coronavirus cases top 200,000 as Italy records most deaths in a single day; Here’s how one event sparked hundreds of coronavirus cases across Asia; UK to close schools amid spike in coronavirus cases; US closes Canada border to ‘non-essential’ travel as $100 billion COVID-19 relief bill passes congress; Travel restrictions, border shutdowns by country; Australian government moves to close borders as new coronavirus cases continue to rise; ‘People will die’: Some countries have discussed just letting coronavirus run its course.

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That’s right, folks, we are all expendable!

From the outset, Australia’s blowhard PM Morrison, a conceited bullshit artist by any measure, has provided the nation with ambiguous and mixed messages, inconsistent, confusing and contradictory.

The nation’s Chief Medical Officer – a former nephrologist, not an epidemiologist,  not an immunologist, just a PR frontman for the government – declared there was no need for anybody without symptoms to be “tested” while the Minister for Health, whose mediocrity exceeds his incompetence, advised people who were “worried” to get tested.

Interestingly, cases have presented without symptoms. Profit first, health and safety last.

Meanwhile Aussie Reich Obergruppenfuhrer Kartoffelpuffer tested positive for coronavirus after cosying up to the Trump crime syndicate in Washingtoon and then returning to Australia to get up close and personal with his LNP crime syndicate colleagues.

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Poor old Peter Peter potato eater is self-isolating for a couple of weeks now that the damage has been done.

Well fuck him!

He is completely dead to me, as he once remarked of his critics. (Oh stop making that face! I am only giving Mr Potato Head the same sympathy he gave Reza Berati and others who have died in the government’s offshore concentration camps for refugees and asylum seekers.)

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I can only hope he infected Smirky McSmirkface.

And speaking of  Scrott Morrison, last Friday the fuckwit announced that people should practice “safe social distancing” when out and about and that all public and social gatherings of 500 or more people would be banned but not until Monday.

Why the delay?

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It became obvious when people realised his holy-rolling Pentecostal cargo cult Hillsong was in the final three days of a five day “conference” in Sydney attended by thousands of paid-up, tithe-giving happy clappers, many of them from the USA (where the virus is set to explode).

And then a few days later Morrison did a tap dance and a jig and announced all public and social gatherings of 100 people of more would be banned.

But first Scrotty prioritised the antics of his cargo cult, his pedophile-shielding “mentor” and close personal friend above the health and safety of the plebs and Untermenschen.

At the peak of the bushfire crisis Sikhs were out there cooking for and feeding volunteer firefighters out of a van. I did not see Hillsong or any other Pentecostal group anywhere doing anything other than praising their investment portfolios.

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The usual idiots had started panicking two weeks ago anyway, stripping supermarkets of toilet paper. Now items like canned food, rice and pasta are being hoarded.


Because the PM had previously suggested people should stock up on essentials in case they must go into quarantine for two weeks.

Well and why not? Hoarding and profiteering are core LNP “principles”.

At least the true nature of Morrison’s “quiet Australians” as been exposed.

Well done Scrotty!

Yet he had the gall to belatedly patronisingly castigate his flock, saying “I can’t be more blunt about it. Stop it.”

And this piffle comes from the government and crime minister that led by example ransacking grants programs for their own benefit.

Scrotty has no moral authority. Not a jot. UnAustralian indeed!

Acts of selfish bastardry and profiteering are exposing the quality of Morrison’s “quiet Australians”.

And vital medicines that would normally be readily available are also being snatched up, leaving vulnerable people who actually rely on things like Ventolin in mortal danger.

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Morrison, who came to the COVID19 party late, reluctantly and with no sense of urgency, has no credibility, no moral authority and evokes no trust.

His responses have been reactive not proactive, despite his unilateral proclamation of a pandemic on February 27, after which he did bugger all.

Frontline GPS and hospitals ERs asked where were the “emergency medical supplies” the PM had boasted? Soon they were going shopping themselves at Bunnings for protective face masks.

As for Scrotty’s “economic stimulus package/s”, they will most likely be like his bushfire assistance… all but invisible. Like his god.

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The bulk of the government’s belated cash splash goes to business “investment” and “keeping financial markets in order”.

It is unlikely to trickle down into the pockets of consumers in the foreseeable future but I have no doubt the usual LNP connected spivs, hangers on and carpetbaggers will do very nicely out of it.

And now all non-citizens and non-residents will be banned from entering Australia and the federal trasherer Joshua Frydemburgers says our close borders could be closed for six months.

Could’ve, would’be, should’ve?

Yep. What a difference a weak week makes!

Scrotty from Marketing is the wrong PM in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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No wonder some Aussies are losing their collective minds.

And apparently this virus crisis could last six or twelve or more months.

Major events around the world have been cancelled.

Borders are closing, flights grounded.

Cities in Italy, Spain and other countries are in lockdown.

The USA – with effectively no public health system and the deranged, increasingly erratic Presidunce Trump at the helm – seems set to fall off a cliff next.

The head of the American Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, let the diseased rat out of the bag when he said “The system is not really oriented to what we need at the moment, to what is being required. That is a failure. Let’s admit it …”

The invaluably perceptive Dr Naomi Wolf warned “Crises can be real and also exploited. Ordinary Americans get a small check in the emergency bill that just passed, all of their attention is (understandably) being directed away from the legislation to the medical crisis; VAST billions w/no strings, oversight, go to corporations.”


Meanwhile in Australia a traveler posted the following Twitter tweet overnight: “I entered yesterday from the USA only people being tested were if they’d come from or traveled through China, Iran, South Korea or Italy. We got given a flyer. A flyer….”

Scotty from Marketing’s latest glossy pamphlet will save the lives of millions!

The worst is obviously to come Down Under as people are told to “self isolate” if feeling flu-like symptoms because there are not enough coronavirus testing kits or places to get tested for.

Fortunately for me I have been in isolation for almost a decade.

Now watch Fizza Turnbull’s bastardised NBN collapse as more and more Australians – those with jobs – are forced to work online from home.

Good luck, good night and may Cthulhu have mercy on your cans of Soylent Green.

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