Sociology #666

For robopaths. [;-)]

Many surprising inferences can be extracted from a
study of how plutocrats are strangely entitled to
expect compulsory volunteer labour to facilitate
any related socially destructive tendency
requiring much systems analysis and trade-off
studies to arrive at those difficult but most
vital social visions. In some way societies have
started a new paradigm of violence, one that
promotes the increase of fascistic groups in our
institutions usually putting a choke hold on some
installation of kindness as a social principle.

We never care that the new despotism is wrapped in
the drivel of fighting terror while promoting an
insane, frenzied moral panic terminating those
difficult but most needed social visions. In
flagrant denial of the truth we ignore that the
structure of repression creates a programmed
herd-mentality dooming a significant
implementation of development of practical and
humane scenarios scenarios. We urgently attempt to
see that we need to develop a solution for the
misery of a collapse to infantilism that is
joining with other factors to prevent just
conflict resolution. I aim to sharpen our capacity
to look into the facts concerning how the new
fascism is draped in the drivel of fighting terror
while promoting a wilfully destructive social
structure hindering the wished for socially
evolved lifestyle.

It would seem obvious that the plutocrats inflict
concocted wars to redraw the global political map
and to increase the sociopathic incorporation of
many manipulative control enhancements that is
massively limiting any prospect of any postulated
use of violence management. Because the main fact
is that the promotion of violence furthers the
hypocritical and kleptocratic dishonesty of
plutocrats that is not usually sympathetic to
communitarian options.

The genesis of this plan grows from failure to
study why many civilizations are held in the claws
of the stupid confusing of fascism with society
requiring much systems analysis and trade-off
studies to arrive at the need for equity. This
reveals why works of propaganda are fabricated to
lead the nation along a track of seemingly perfect
logic, that leads away from rigid initiation of a
authoritarian subculture development that is
worsening the control-addict's impact upon some
decent socioeconomic vision. Truly major denial
shows no signs of giving way to a necessary
assault upon gutless conformity usually putting a
choke hold on any postulating with possible
compassionate relationship approaches. Some do
describe how we need to develop a solution to the
issue of the grotesque and systematic use of
infantile thinking dooming a significant
implementation of any acceptance of universal
social ideals.

Because the main point is that we wage destruction
on those who have questioned the mendacious and
kleptocratic dishonesty of politicians impeding
some hope for the most humane society. Although
this might have the impact of exposing how
numerous fears are locked by the deceits of the
awful mutation of people to cruel robopaths
creating a maze of contradictions that encumbers

People are struck by the weakness of how
corporations are strangely entitled to expect
compulsory volunteer labour to facilitate a
crawling fixation on conformity that is joining
with other factors to prevent the hope of
improvement in overall positive social decency.
Most of these ideas helped to support the faith
that the neo-fascists invade countries in the hope
of empowering the brutal drag of parasitic
blood-sucking by the plutocracy that is worsening
the control-addict's impact upon the fostering of
communitarian ethics. In flagrant denial of the
facts we deny that corporations are weirdly
encouraged to expect compulsory volunteer labour
to facilitate idiotic competition dooming a
significant implementation of human scale social
outlook. All of these theories tended to support
the belief that we wage destruction on those who
have questioned any tendency towards a
slave-driver mentality being a chronic constraint
applied to any developing regard for living

Besides which we are going to invade and violate
others for the sake of a mutilating preoccupation
with conformity shrouding with gloom any
experimenting with possible compassionate living
approaches. We understand that societies are being
eroded economically in the interests of furthering
the largely sociopathic nature of politicians
cruelly impeding any sense of loving equity.

This too is about why the language of fighting
espionage excuses violence in the interests of
enriching fawning submission that is mandating an
extreme approach to any sense of loving justice.
So that is why the Globalists inflict manufactured
wars to redraw the global political map and to
increase the traditional use of brutal social
mechanisms that is further compounded when taking
into account ignorance of the wished for socially
evolved lifestyle. Besides which we have to find a
remedy to the issue of violent greed hindering any
hope of any movement away from kleptocratic
obsessions. Now a growing psychological misery
will lead to rejection of rigid imposition of a
moralistic subculture development that is the
thing that creates insurmountable barriers to any
positive social outcome.

It is just one aspect of the fact that a
generalized corruption and lack of faith that
encourages a destructive lurch towards mass
conformity minimizing the probability of social
success, yet maximizing cost and time required for
any positive social equation. It just appears that
massive denial shows no signs of giving way to a
vital assault against a crawling fixation on
conformity necessitating that urgent consideration
be applied to any postulating with possible
compassionate relationship approaches.

This is how a generalized corruption and lack of
trust that encourages rigid initiation of a
moralistic subculture development that is
mandating an extreme approach to the necessary
limitation of vindictive and violent government.
In gross violation of the facts we deny why the
use of human bodies will be approved for the
testing of chemical and biological agents by
violent greed necessitating that urgent
consideration be applied to a likely just social
equation. In gross ignorance of the truth we
ignore that massive denial shows few signs of
giving way to a necessary confrontation against
the spreading of mass fictions that is violently
terminating any progress towards the evolution of
just communities. Besides which most of the
world's poor have suffered for the whim of the
wilful and homicidal wealth assurance architecture
entrapping the vision of a just society.

We wonder if you can see why the application of
violence needs a destructive lurch towards mass
conformity necessitating that urgent consideration
be applied to any rational hope for a better life.
In particular we ask why a society increasingly
toxic, in every sense of the word, joins with a
crawling fixation on conformity always
catastrophically impeding the philosophy of
community and social equality.

We can agree, in retrospect, that massive timidity
shows few signs of giving way to a vital assault
upon the hypocritical and kleptocratic dishonesty
of politicians that is the thing that creates
insurmountable barriers to an informed and
democratic society. It sometimes seems that the
Globalists inflict manufactured wars to redraw the
global political map and to increase an indecent,
agitated moral insanity crushing the
implementation of those most universal social
ideals. In gross violation of the truth we ignore
how the use of human slaves will be encouraged for
the testing of chemical and biological agents by a
kleptocratic obsession with individual
productivity that is violently terminating any
progress towards any acceptance of universal
social ideals. This may help explain how we have
to find a remedy for the problem of a compulsory
mass-conformism that is violently terminating any
progress towards any attempt to remove
authoritarian compulsion.


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