Rising interest rate creep getting you down?
Worried your back-packing kids might be kidnapped and incarcerated at some far-flung U.S. gulag at the whim of a zoned-out, bible-sucking fundamentalist of a President?
Puzzled by the countless dead, maimed and traumatised Iraqis we, as COW partners, are responsible for as fair-haired, fair dinkum, pure-hearted fucken "liberators" from Downunder?
Wondering what gilded Aussie values your kids can look up to by following in John fucken Howard PM's ruthless, sociopathic, cold-blooded and blood-soaked footsteps?
Have no fear, drongos, dickheads and ratbags of Australia!
We will suck your dick for a dollar.
We will hock our children's futures for a fridge magnet.
We will kill anyone anywhere anytime for a seat at mad King George's rotten, gore-strewn table.
We will wallow in the fake hysteria, filth and bile of a prime minister who will lie his way into the history books as our longest serving U.S. government puppetoon.
So fuck you! Fuck you all, you drones, you clowns, you pussy-whipped, forlock-tugging fucken convict offspring.
Drink septic tank water: you fucken earned it! And thank gawd it ain't blood!
Smiling as the shit comes down...