Paying the Staff What They Deserve

Today's Boss is a tough task master with a heart of gold. He maybe a hardnosed business man but always has time to give a non-paying helping hand to those that deserve it…



Here he is, in his own words:

"I am indulging in a new paradigm of labour relations. It is about sorting the wheat from the chaff.

I don’t pay them at the start because it is only from my good graces they even get a chance.


small our staff

First rule. Educate your staff


Do you know how hard it is to run a business nowadays?

I like to tell my people you only get what you deserve; what you put in. If you don’t put in you don’t get out. It is really that simple.


capitalism offers all possibilities


The glittering prize at the end of the myriad possibilities of Capitalism is only available to those honest enough to do the hard work needed.


You only have to look at those PIGS countries to know the score; you can’t tax businesses until they are out of business!

I see myself as a fair boss. But I can only go so far, and how far is really dictated by the forces of the market.


 before light

Today's worker should be trained to respond to the needs of your business...


You know I worked hard to get where I am. And my father worked hard to give me the start at the best schools I needed .


 after light

... Immediately.


Politics at work? It only leads to bad blood and disruption. That’s why I banned unions at my place.

I never look too far ahead, but I reckon with the right conditions and the removal of the red&green tape that's choking my business, the future is looking bright for us all."