Press Release June 30 2004
Allograft Therapeutics Inc.
We are pleased to announce the start of a new chapter in the field of Medical Science. Located in the vibrant business heart of the new Iraq, Basra; we have begun work on a new centre that will combine the best treatment for those people suffering end stage renal failure with a price they can afford. Within the soon to be construced Allograft Therapeutics Medical Technology Park in Basra will be surgical, medical, and pathology facilities second to none in the world. We have signed up the best of Iraq and the Middle East's medical fraternity to ensure that our kidney transplant service will provide a world-class service. Our arrangements with the Sandos Pharmaceutical company has also allowed us to offer on-going immunosuppressive treatment at third world prices.

The centre will have its own power supply and we have come to an agreement with the Sandline Corporation to provide state of the art security.

With our close access to the fastest growing market in donor kidneys in the world we are sure we can supply the needs of the transplant waiting lists of Europe and North America.

To make this dream a reality we are offering individual investors 10% equity for an investment of $US 10,000,000 each. We are confident your investment will turn a handsome profit within the first 12 months of operation. Remember the new Iraq offers a fantastic environment for business with trade unions banned and tax an optional extra!

Sign up now to put your faith in the new Iraq and to make a killing!

Please send all amounts to:
Allograft Therapeutics Inc.
Acc No: AgTh 24567 657 Ta
Bank of Nigeria.

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