Barnaby Joyce As Page Three Girl?

Who would have thought that Barnaby Joyce' great great grandmother was a Charles Darwin page three girl?

mary redjlander

In this famous photo here she is barring her teeth in a scowl for the book "Expression" which Darwin published as proof of the human race's link to the animal kingdom. "Expression" was published as a reaction to the predominate thinking in those times that "man" was created "in God's image" (unlike animals) and that this special creation gave humans a divine quality that was superior to and differed them from animals.


One of the premises of the book is that there are commonalities in facial expression and body language in both humans and the rest of the animal kingdom. These commonalities include eye muscle contraction and barring of teeth when angry, the opening of the mouth when listening intently, and the pursing of lips when concentrating.

But Barnaby's great, great grandmother is enough to remind us that there is not a chance in hell that god created man a class above animals and as a divine entity.


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