North America


While Iraqis continue to be killed on an unprecented scale in their ruined, US-occupied country, in George W Bush's America, Democracy is dead, justice is a joke, and Lady Liberty has been mugged, raped and left in a ditch to rot. The Light on the Hill is the red light of a brothel, its vain, money-grabbing neocon whores raddled with disease. The world both fears and despises Bush's USA. And this historic global catastrophe has been achieved with the assistance of so-called Democrats in Congress. Hilary too has blood on her hands.

Yes, our democratic institutions are in peril, but not from Islamic fanatics. The threat is domestic and it's corrupt, rabid leadership purports to be Christian.


As the criminal leadership of the world's most dangerous rogue state continue to gush and spout their long-discredited claims of a global terrorist conspiracy, resistance fighters in Iraq's capital struck back at U.S. occupation forces with more car bombs and improvised explosive devices last week than at any other time this year. In just the past 5 days, 14 American troops were killed in Baghdad, the worst U.S. toll in the war-ravaged city since the 2003 Bushevik invasion.

In Afghanistan the U.S. is losing. In Iraq, it has lost. At home, it IS lost.


On November 7 U.S. voters get another crack at giving the world's most dangerous rogue head of state his marching orders... back to Crawford, if not to prison. Let's face it, without September 11 2001 and Osama Bin Laden - and despite Karl Rove's exploitation of rabid Christian fundamentalist support - George W Bush's Presidential "win" (aka coup) in 2000 would have been his last. But Bush, Rove and Cheney continued to cynically use the dead of 9/11 to boost the Republicon majority in Congress in 2002 and invade Iraq. Their tactics of fear, fiction and religious extremism worked again in 2004. Enough!

GWB's "war on terrorism" IS a fiction. Here are some facts that nail the phoney Texan's shameless lying hide to the barn door of history.

Of Rats and Rogues

With the "thumping" received by the Bush administration in this week's midterm elections, the loss of control in Congress and the Senate, and the embarrassing but unrepentant resignation (i.e. sacking) of zoned-out Defence Secretary Rumsfeld, the Americon rogue state has just become even more dangerous than before. A cornered rat always fights fiercest and, make no mistake, these rats are cornered!