Islamist Pygmies in Bush Orgy

RibbitA group of islamist pygmies have been located hiding out in a ramshackle shack with a bevi of woman purported to have been members of the 1992 Australian Olympic hockey team.

The shack located in the Blackstone Ranges (between the Western and Great Victorian Deserts), is situated in surrounds described as 'a small oasis where bush tucker is in plentiful supply' said Senior Constable Pringle 

'Locals noticed a couple of these blokes in town last month but thought they were just a couple of short blokes from a  local aboriginal tribe. I guess we should of twigged when they bought out all of the macaroons from the corner store.'

A plastic container with traces of 'Bhaba Gounoush' (a middle eastern dip) was found in a rubbish bin. Alexander Downer last night claimed that the container was evidence that the men are indeed Islamic Fundamentalists.

'We are now fairly certain that the tribesmen were smuggled into the country by Al Qaeda as part of an international Islamic hockey player insemination program. The Koran outlines the pivotal role African pygmies had in the defeat of  Carthaginian general, Hannibal, during the Punic Wars between Carthage and Rome.'

The group of women are reported to be in a stable condition and in good spirits after their ordeal. After a fruitless search for their hockey sticks they were taken by authorities to the Gunbarrel Hotel for further questioning.