Why Is Redhead Shelias So Dern ANGRY???

Wednesday, 02 October 2024

What? That dickhead Ricardovitz again? We were half hoping Hurricane Helene had washed him away down the Clayton Creek...

Well anyhow, here he is with another complaint/question for The Man in The BoxTM


Dear Boxhead,

Redheads is always firey mad like thar Devil incarnate. I had me a ginger girlfriend once, 'n if'n I wern't plow'n her wirey copper-patch hard as a coyote-stomp'n mule on Dianabol, here face git all angry 'n she took tar walin on me with 'er fists such that she mighta thunk I git it in her wrongside hole. Well, we dern't need ta git all nasty.

Anywhoo, I was lookey at these here sheilas:


redhead festival netherlands 16x9

One of 'em remind me 'o my X-girlfriend. So, tell me Boxboy, why they gotta be so dern angry likes they love tar beat on a man???



Dear Ricky,

What, you think this is fucking HeartBalm? You might be getting all emotional there about your make-believe girlfriends, but I don't give a fuck.

Except for one thing. There is no worry about red hair when you are in the Box. Put one on, and you could have hair that is blonde, red, black, or none, and no one will ever know. One of the many advantages of being cardboard cranium encased in today's 'look at me' society.

Now, go get fuct!








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