- Twas early 84
- Phil the pill.
- I wish my brother George was here
- Amazing to be alive still. Wonder for how much longer. Nearly fucking 50 you know which I used to think would be about the limit.
- yes... Shouldnt you be on smack now?
- Well im still kicking but y'know any day...
- That was if I made 60 wasn't it. On the kandy korn now :O
- Oi! Where'd u get it!
-Some cunt I met down the pub
-Not the cycle shop?
-That psychedelic anthropologist Dr i told u about is likely to move to Oz. Told him to look U up if he ends up in Melbum
-We get Pecker for next summit? Be nice to see him again...
- Off to play some soccer with chinese and indians against Germans :p
-Sounds like a war game.. can I be Vichy again
-Vichy? Think ur celine or something?
-Is it?
-Is what?
-Petcha? Good luck getting him to turn up!
-Is it.. Celine / Vichy
-I'll put the word on him...
-They were both at one stage.
- Ohio gazamus
-Gunna set up Xenoxnews public twitter list... Almagate us all undr one banner
-Even your work stuff? Lol
-Tell him you'll point the bone if he's not careful. Black catfish bone!
-That should get him off his arse... Good idea. he believes that rubbish
-Ok gotta run from subway to bus to Turf City Futsal fields! Spread ur goodness on the 'News... It needs it!
-But I always get rubbished and then feel the sadness of everything
-Poor moi
-Boo hoo
-Nonsense... Get it on!
-Whattaya wan me to write about
-Death and the unknown; the usual bark
-All of the above!
-Just paste the thread
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