Chris Minns - A Fester'n Cock-Sluprin POS He Be...

Premier of NSW, Chrissy Minns, wanna GRAB YER TESTICLES, 'n squeeze all thar money out of 'em, on Anzac Day.

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 Ricardovitz. An artist's impression.



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Money-Grubb'n Chris (Sissy-Dresser) Minns.

He gonna tie yer dicks tar all them poker machine on Anzac Day, 'n have 'em suck thar money outa yer cocks, straight inta yer pockets. 'N a nother thang, Chrissy Minns AIN'T GONNA GIVE Y'ALL YER GUNS BACK, neither. Nosiree, he gonna turn on his cock-suck'n, money-grubb'n machines on Anzac Day so's y'all dern't git up 'n protest fer yer guns, yer rights, 'n your shit-eatin gooberment tar be devouered by them Hell-Hounds., Chrissy say it some kinda "tradition", 'n "essential service" fer them gamblin dens tar suck yer balls, yer money 'n yer blood straight through them dick-holes he git stitched tar his pockets.

RISE UP PEOPLE 'n demand them gamblin dens be closed down fer EVER 'n git yer guns back. ..........

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Lookie here... another arsehole ALP leader!



Reporter Ricardovitz - Fer Thar People!!!


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