Arnold as Guvn'r

Ahh yes; fwow him to the fwoor

My impression, derived from Arnie's victory speech, is that our dearest Arnold, has been waylaid, suckered, and is a little shocked with his appointment. "Of course darling I told you I could win."
It is a defining moment of the first decade of the 2000 millenium century debacle and the final clear indication and confirmation that the millenium bug was never dealt with correctly by those in the know. The populace and evolution of the populace is definitely in dire fucktus.

Madness reigns in the 21st century; forget any conjugation, length of peace, humanitarian equal rights and fairness for all, the pantheistic media domination of the small minded, the sheep, easily led by the salivating shepherds, will continue to elect power brokers that don't have a fucking clue.

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