Miming on the Internet

Once it was an art for the ages. How a man can express himself, clearly and volubly, but without saying a single word.


A dance of the mind bought to life by the skill and dexterity of the artist. A raised eyebrow. A cocked elbow. These and other combinations conveyed to the viewer the sense of timeless wonder that is life. Stories of love and loss, of hope and sacrifice. All before your spellbound eyes as the mimer wove his magic.


They were the stars of stage and screen. Larger than life characters. Writers waxed lyrical about their art, their skill; about their tales told with a sleight of hand and limb. At their pinnacle they were feted by millions...


But then came TV. The Talkies. Video games. A more wounded and cynical generation took over. Beatniks. Hippies. The Punks. They had no room for the silence.


But today we have a new generation. More open minded and accepting of new ideas. And so now the question has arisen...

 The new generation


Can you mime on the internet?

The Year That Was 2024

From The Archives