What a coincidence! Just as John Howard is forcing his secret "anti-democracy" (aka "anti-terrorism") laws through Parliament, ASIO announces a "likely" home-grown terrorist threat. Who are these terrorists? Where are they? if ASIO knows and these "suspects" are engaged in criminal activities, then charge then, arrest them, and put them on trial... otherwise, it's all idealogically driven opportunism of the kind the PM is an expert on.
Meanwhile, ASIO pays off a innocent couple who were raided "by mistake", shutting them up to avoid an embarrassing public outcry.
Under Howard's new laws, you wouldn't even know ASIO had stuffed-up... yet again! Farewell, australian democracy, we scarcely knew you.
Read this Payout for victims of ASIO raid: http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/payout-for-victims-of-asio-raid/2005/11/01/1130823211077.html
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- Max Gross