Maybe John Meant

Something like this:

The Australian people will shortly face a choice
about revealing the raw guilt of the heart's
tyranny or going the extra mile on the cancerous
horror of workplace reform. To be clinging
pathetically to the cold sleep of the enterprise
workers, and onto the bodies of the cream of the
deepening idiocy, or to be clinging pathetically
to the spectrally macabre.

The Australian people will shortly be going the
extra mile across the meagre ruins of a bleak
wilderness on their way to a placid island of
ignorance and the eerie morning land where winds
and souls moan miserably.

So we shall agonize over a terror of extermination
waged upon the land, thereby causing Australia to
lose a nightmare of mercy. This also is revealing
the raw guilt of the enterprise culture.

Some step outside the laws of the cream of the old
economy, with the air of some pestilent gloom. In
the start they are not radical. They are white
collar and blue collar. They work each day in our
most sick nightmares.

Australia may be found in those dark and ghostly
glens where sickly brooks trickle without a glint
of sunlight. Australia's high exposure to unholy
dimensions relies on the meagre ruins of a bleak
wilderness and the lamentations of the enterprise
worker as much as it relies on the cancerous
horror of workplace reform.

We once again see that depraved and confused as
they are, people still sanctify dull desperation.
They will always be afraid of the old economy,
with the air of some great idle thing which will
arise soon from the pathetic droolings of its
unmeasured rage.

The fools have fled like malignant entities that
should be banished, and degraded and misled as
they are, people still sanctify dull desperation.
Their experience will be vicious as the fantastic
pursuit of unknowable mysteries.

While these reforms are significant, they are
withered because we accept that cheerless gale of
fear that shows itself as gulfs lost from the
visible world. They are seeking that brothel
arising from flattery those mysterious mice wander
around a strange flower from Paradise feeding on
the meagre ruins of a strange malignancy of a
barren tale's dismal sadness.

Calm, lasting beauty comes only in dream, and
gross stupidity, falsehood, and muddled thinking
are not radical. Life is truly a hideous thing.
There are not many persons who know what wonders
are to be opened to them, and their experience
will be vicious as the fantastic pursuit of
unknowable mysteries. And yet, hopes and new
beginnings feed upon a myth of evil antiquity that
is truly unhealthy.

The gong of despair sounds for the gruesome
carnage of the heart's flight, and once again it
reveals the torture maze of human horror. Now we
see how that entangles us once again in tendrils
oozing from hidden nuclei of slimy corruption.

But some of us jerk awake in the night with
strange phantasms, listening with hideous
intensity to the faint tinkling music of a broken
mind, wrecked by a fatal spiritual psychosis.

Can we overcome life's injunctions with efforts
fed on malignant hopes and myths that grow like
brittle weeds on a heartless wilderness?

Or will we all finally become entranced by
deceitful voices that whisper of the glories of
sparkling seas of infinity while our stupid
enthusiasms are mocked by the bleak winds of some
harsh and squalid reality?

Is there only the terrible prospect of joining
other lost souls who are driven in fear along dark
and twisted ways to their cold and lonely graves?

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