Election 01

So that sawn off little dickhead has decided to call an election. Well don't worry Xenox News readers I'll be here to spill the beans on all the candidates, to piss on all the media, and to screw all those fucking brain dead midgets who are gunna decide our fate.That's right. I am the 'News ace Political reporter.Consider me a slim Laurie Oakes. A Kerry O'Brien of the violent kind. A Peter Harvey of da web.Fuck. You never know, you might see me on Lateline telling all like it is.So stay tuned while I do all the analysing on why that fucking four eyed cocksucking mother butt licking pony assed cuckold puny dicked motherfucker should get his fucking liberal ass kicked from one end of this great nation to the other!Ya got that ya fucking cunt!Of course it will be totally unbiased reporting because you know there is only one thing I hate worse than that cunt in the lodge (and his fucking brain dead missus); those loser assholes who are gunna vote him back!Yours SincerleyTom Titmouse

The Year That Was 2024

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