Haneef charged. Read about the evidence.

Just heard on the news that the cops charged the doctor with terror-related charges after more than a week in custody,

The charge of "providing support to a terrorist group" sounds quite bad but the details are a different story. Ready for the details? It will blow your mind at the incredible level he was involved in. He is being charged with lending his SIM card to his two, second-cousins who are charged with blowing up the vehicle in Scotland, so that they could take advantage of his phone plan which allows the user to cheap calls....as opposed to expensive calls.
How callous of him. What a scumbag he turned out to be. I hope he gets put away for a long time. Imagine what sort of mentality someone must have to support terrorist acts by providing cheaper calls on their SIM card to those who carried out the attacks.

Fuck! If that is all they are charging him with, it's gonna get real scary for a lot of undesirable people, real soon.

The Year That Was 2024

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