Peter Garrett slams Greens


After the letter from the "Minister for Reconciliation" sent to residents in the Northcote electorate, will the guy who was once one of the better dancers in the Australian rock industry now forever be remembered as the "phoney environmentalist leader turned ALP bullshit artist"?

In an unashamed attempt to support ALP candidate Fiona Richardson the baldy in a suit wrote this week: "I'm writing to urge you to consider your vote carefully in this election. If you're thinking of voting for the Greens in Northcote you should be aware of the preference deal between the Greens and the Liberal Party which greatly increases the Liberal's election chances in a number of critical seats."

Anyone who has checked out the preference deals registered on the Victorian Electoral Commission website would clearly see that more than 90% of The Greens preferences will go to the ALP. The Libs get bubkiss.

Fiona, the story around town goes, is only a candidate because her husband (ALP campaign director) made a deal to drop charges against notorious ALP branch stacker Telmo Languiller in place of a spot for his missus in the all so ethical and dominant Victorian Labor Unity (read hard core right wing) faction of the ALP.

For anyone who was wondering, Baldy's message shows us that he is in the right party. (no pun intended) The fuck everyone, let's do and say anything regardless of what the truth is and maintain power so we can get away with anything we want Alternative Liberal Party Bracks style.

Wouldn't want the environmentalists to get too many votes now Pete, it would put a stop to all those dodgy projects $$$$$$$$$$$

Peter Garrett ................. ........... .................. ................ ..................... .................... .................. ........................ ....................... ....................GET FUCKED

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