Howardland economics has totally failed, so
the regime is trying something else.

In a sombre speech, the smirking Oz federal
trasherer revealed that the economic
policies of the John Hogturd regime have
failed in all the essentials:-

"Predictably, the control of the financial
and economic life of Oz has fallen almost
entirely into the hands of the Yoo-Ess-Ay
and the People's Democratic Republic of
Israel. Our policy of not being responsible
for anything has forced others to take
control of the levers of the Oz state.
However, those who control the Leperal
Party, those boy-buggering alcoholics of the
patrician classes, noble and fine members of
the Mal-Born Club, Dr Condom Rubberstein of
the Israel Uber Alles Society, have all
instructed me to take the drooling dullards
of the Oz public into another adventure - an
adventure that may last for many generations
- an adventure in terror!
Yes, from now into the limitless future, our
regime shall put all our energies into
persuading you bludgers that you should fear
and fight your own shadows as if your lives
depended upon it - and they don't."

John Hogturd was not available for comment,
as he was sucking the life out of actual
living creatures at a Hellsong gathering,
as his own life force had been exhausted
before he was born.

Kim "Bigbag" O'shitzly was reported as
assuring the Hogturd regime that they had
his full support, as usual.

The Year That Was 2024

From The Archives