Shocking revelations destroy
the "legitimacy" of the evil
John Howard regime. Careful probing in dark hidden
places has brought the most awful
facts into the light of decency.

The Oz public had believed that
the Howard regime was being kept
in power by democratic processes,
but now it has been shown that the
regime is actually being controlled
and kept in power by the twisted
manipulations of a gang of sinister
"Faceless Men".

The Governor General has no choice.
He must pull The Emperor from his
bogus throne, throw him in gaol,
hunt down the "Faceless Men", and
place the opposition party, The Browns,
led by Bob Green, in power as the
true Oz government.

This will end this inglorious period
of gangster rule by the sinister
"Faceless Men".

The Year That Was 2024

From The Archives