Overcoming a Corroding, Long COVID Infected Brain

Chance of getting Long COVID?

10% - 20% with every infection.

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Vaccinated or not, COVID re-infections can occur every 6 months in a non lock down situation.

With lock downs being a thing of the past  the chances of you getting Long COVID in your life time is close to 100%. This would also suggest that you will experience cognitive decline sooner rather than later.

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The great dumbing down is here.


As if we needed humans to be any more stupid! Ricardovitz and Denis here are good examples of where we are headed as a collective.

The intelligent human will no longer be able to rely on their brain. One will have to let go of the typical idea of cognitive consciousness. A holistic sense of being (think shiny golden Buddha) may be a better option for interacting with the world rather than relying on a corroding, Long COVID infected, brain.