Idiots! Cunts! Dullards!
Howard! Howard fans!
Leperal Party fans!
Assorted vegetables!
I found something for you,
something wonderful! Prayer for a Good Death

by Rev. Chris Korda

Great Spirit, I am unworthy;
My species has disgraced itself.
Of all the species that live, or
have ever lived, mine is the

Lower than the flowers who fill
the air with sweet pollen,
Lower than the trees who encircle
the Earth with their roots,
Lower than the insects, rulers
of Earth since the beginning
of time,
Lower than the darting fish,
Lower than the soaring birds,
Lower than the four-legged
creatures, who are the beating
heart of the living Earth.

Great Spirit, my shame is as deep
as the ocean, and my sadness is
I pray for enlightenment, but
fear that my prayer is too late.

Great Spirit, if this be so, then
I pray for extinction.
Let my species become extinct,
and vanish from the Earth.
Let my loins be barren,
Let my seed not sprout,
Let the race of men fall like
Let my fields grow wild,
Let my fences crumble,
Let my cities turn to dust, and
become forests.
Let the grass drink my blood;
Let my body be food for worms.
Great Spirit, let me die, that
the Earth may live.


From The Archives