Little Children

What is sacred?
????????????? The little children are sacred.

Little children are sacred - but are they?
Certainly our "sincere" politicians have been
saying this a lot lately.

However, if we look at the "values" that
politicians and the "community" hold sacred these
days we see a different reality.

We see that they mostly believe that:

Private land value is sacred. The inheritance of
that land value is sacred. The reduction of tax
impost on profit from that ownership is sacred.
The little children can get stuffed!

The shirking of fees for community servicing that
helps maintain the value of that land is sacred,
let the suckers pay for that.
The little children can get stuffed!

Any unearned return from these land value based
"investments" is sacred.
The little children can get stuffed!

The pushing of public revenue collection onto the
backs of earners and consumers and away from land
value owners is very sacred.
The little children can get stuffed!

Speculating in land value/price with the aid of
rezoning and special favours in granting
"development approval" is also sacred.
The little children can get stuffed!

Immigration is sacred because it helps to increase
demand on land and raise general land prices apart
from other hideous "beneficial" effects.
The little children can get stuffed!

Collecting rent from the tenants who will help you
to privatize and monopolize some more land value
by buying it for you, so you can "develop" it and
collect rent from more residential and commercial
tenants is especially sacred.
The little children can get stuffed!

Of course the banks and financial institutions who
lend credit to keep this Ponzi-scheme chain-letter
going, believe that the credit pyramid erected on
the back of land value speculation is sacred.
The little children can get stuffed!

The property pimps that leech off this property
pyramid racket consider it sacred.
The little children can get stuffed!

Keeping quiet about how this is both unsustainable
and destructive is very sacred.
The little children can get stuffed!

Let us all pretend that it is just a mystery that
even economists and scientists cannot begin to
analyze or explain.
The little children can get stuffed!

Let us just wait for this socio-economic Titanic
to hit the inevitable iceberg and sink us all.
The little children can get stuffed!

How sacred will that be? Where will the sacred
little children be then?
The little children can get stuffed!

None dare say "hypocrisy!"

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