Journey to the filthy future as planned... our glorious sociopathic "leaders"
and media air-heads.

When you listen to our noble "leaders" gushing
about the "future" as they drool at the prospect,
you don't need to be a rocket scientist to see
what will be the result of their awful vision of
crowded human society. Listening to the giggling
media air-heads is just as awful, as their
analytical powers are absent when needed most.

If present trends continue, most humans will be
reduced to the level of medicated zombies living
in tiny cells in great bleak concrete compounds
where they will be fed on poorly processed human
waste. Their accommodation will be worse than what
most prisons offer currently, yet a very large
part of any income will go on rent or some

If they are "lucky" enough to have a job that pays
a wage, they will spend a large part of their day
travelling to and from their assigned duties along
a filthy and crowded urban transport network.
Energy will be so expensive that a large part of
their income will go on travelling costs, and they
will not be able to afford heating in winter, and
no air conditioning ever.

Most lives will be totally consumed by the
drudgery of their "work" lives, from which they
will only escape by dying. Medication will keep
people in a state where they will be too confused
to plan a suicide, but can still carry out
robopathic duties for the corporations.

The "welfare" system will have been fused with the
penal system by then, and those needing the care
of the state will be considered criminals, and
they will be treated accordingly.

The robopaths will be bombarded with propaganda
telling them that this is good and necessary, but
they are really being farmed for the benefit of a
gluttonous international landlord-banker class.
These sociopathic philistines will all live in
opulence and material splendor paid for by the
toiling beasts of the human animal farm.

The only good thing about the future, is the fact
that John Howard's rotted-out body cannot
continue to function for very much longer.

Keep breeding you morons, because you don't
deserve anything better than the crappy future
they have planned, and they need your babies.