#AskBoxhead Turnbull's Exciting Times

Our Boxhead. What a legend. He'd make a better PM than Tony, Bill, or Malcolm. With him at the helm Australia would be great again!

But for now he is content to solve any of your problems you care to send him. Today he has a question from Jester Moment...





Dear Boxy (May I call you Boxy?),

PM Turnbull keeps telling me it is an exciting time to be an Australian but I just don't feel much excitement. In fact I feel pretty crap, as if Abbott is still PM, disguised in a magisterial smile and Saville Row suit. What is your take on all this "innovation" and "excitement"?

Jester Moment



Dear Jester,

Or is that Jes?

So the new PM has a nice suit. Good for him. Suppose it makes him look a bit better than the small eared freak who was running the joint previously.

I never really cared much for any ‘innovation’, and I reach for my revolver when I hear the word ‘entrepreneur’. But I am up for excitement. Depending what type it is of course…

Look, if you wanna appear dapper and a real Beau Brummel with the ladies, and the voters, there is only one sure fire hit.

A box.

Grab it, cut a few holes in it, and then put it on your noggin. You will beating them off with a barge pole, all the while your poll numbers will be going through the roof.




boxhead horn


The Year That Was 2024