#AskBoxhead How many is too many?


Boxhead has the wisdom of the world wrapped up inside his nogging. Encased in his cardboard box his eyes see all. So if you have a problem that's stopping you from making the most of your life why not drop him a line.

Today Boxy is helping Larry who has written in with some personal issues...


Dear Boxy,

I have got one for you. At the moment I am entertaining a number of young ladies. I give them everything they need. Problem is that they don't know about each other, and juggling them can be a handful. You got a solution for this problem?


Lothario Larry


Dear Larry,


What is it with you guys? You think this is fucking Heart Balm or something? Haven’t I already dished out enough ‘love advice’ to the lonely and lovelorn? Though in your case Larry being lonely doesn’t seem a problem…

OK, you want something practical. How about a different box for your head for each girl? That way they won’t recognise you if they see you with another. I myself have an assortment of colours and sizes to fit my mood. If that doesn’t work then sorry mate, you’re going to have to run the risk of getting busted. No doubt you will survive, but I doubt whether another Sheila will be interested in you.




boxhead horn

The Year That Was 2024