Xenox Summit IV

Xenox Summit IV held last night was the shortest summit meeting held to date. It is clear that the Xenox News production team has now matured into an efficient, organised and well balanced unit.
Out comes of the meeting:

- Embedding of video (i.e. Youtube etc) should be made possible (this has now been activated and articles and comments can now include embedded youtube video)

- A fresh version of the framework that keeps everything together should be installed and all content migrated to it. It might be necessary to also upgrade the current framework before the shift so any database changes will be included in the existing content.

- Vodka can be chilled very quickly if you have a bag of ice.

- Should take off good jacket before pouring beer all over one's head.

- The demolished heater is leaking gas.

- Refraining from smoking cigarettes when drinking ensures that a hangover is quite manageable though can have some fairly erratic side effects on first attempt.

- Pervis is a madman and should seek help.

- The editor is a poof.

- Max chose to sleep on rat poo rather than with the editor.

- Polyfiller will fix the hole in the door.

- Was it IV or V?

Audio highlights of the night coming soon on Xenox Radio.

(We still love you!)

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