Xenox News: a seasonal journal.
Our brief: whatever we want. We’re liable to misinform, the dissemination of misinformation our goal. From my editorial perch I will guide this ship onwards. Contributions will help! Hopefully you’ll perceive it, looking closer, yes! A triumph of form over substance!
There will be no ‘investigative journalism’ here!
Hopefully no insults will be made or taken, no ones morals injures. With this journal, creative energies garnered from far and wide launched onto a concept so nebulous that initial knowledge of the projected prompted gales of laughter. But it stuck, the ideas flowed, the knowledge popped.
No public figures too sacred!
No subject too controversial!
How it all began and so on, not necessary at this time. Let me just we all had a desire to see the ‘truth’ and the ‘facts’ get their come uppance! Maybe, we thought, we could provide a real news service.
I cannot stress how much the support of you, our readership, is needed. We need your minds, your eyes, we need your mouths – Shout forth the new faith!
Read on and let your mind overflow with the bubbling vision of XENOX NEWS.
- Details
- Max Gross