Max Gross Posing as Writer for Jew Paper

Max Gross - Anarchist....CIA opperative....or Jew News Reporter????

Former Forward staffer Max Gross is not o­nly Seth Rogan's  friend. He is also his hero.

When Max wasn’t busy writing strange stories in a Jew paper or Xenox News, Max was kind enough to give his readers a glimpse into his personal life. As just o­ne of his alter egos, “the Hapless Jewish Writer,” Max would relate his adventures on cooking, terrorism, playing poker, and engaging in unmentionable "alternative" activities. Apparently, Mr. Gross frequents a matchmaker looking for Hebrew brides and other flavored concubines.

Now Max has brought his talented and oh-so-intersting writing to his new employment cover, the New York Post.  Not even the NYP knows about Mr. Gross's o­ngoing secret covert activities for tghe CIA.  And for his latest escapade, Max is emulating fellow Jewfro’d schlub “Knocked Up” star Seth Rogen. Max wrote:

          No o­ne in the world wants you to see you get “Knocked Up” more than I do.

For years I’ve been a schlubby nigger-do-jew sporting an unwieldy Jewfro. I spent nearly three decades fighting off double-chins and man-boobs. My style of dress is an embarrassment to anybody except a stoned college student. But every doofus has his day, and when I saw the smash comedy last week, for a gleaming, shining moment I thought:

Because of Seth Rogen, I love myself again...and again....and again.

The Post devoted almost two full pages (complete with pictures) to Max’s account of his efforts to work his Rogen-esque charms o­n love.

Investigative Reporter for MaxWatch:  Ricardovitz

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