Biden & Trump – Hit & Miss

POTUS Biden has finally announced he will not run for re-election. After his shockingly poor performance at the televised so-called “debate” with Trump over a month ago, it was just a matter of time.


As reported by ABC News online: ‘Mr Biden had been under sustained pressure from within his own party since his disastrous performance in the June 27 presidential debate against Republican candidate Donald Trump. More than 35 congressional Democrats had publicly asked him to consider his candidacy and pass the torch. Polls have consistently shown large and growing numbers of Americans believe Mr Biden, 81, is too old for the job.’

But Biden is only three years older than Trump!

ABC News: ‘It was, of course, more than a bad night. It was a terrible night, which has changed the course of history. For weeks, the 81-year-old held on, offering a series of excuses for his performance: He had a cold, he was tired, he was jet-lagged, he didn’t prepare properly, his staff over-scheduled him.’

 I caught some of the debate and it was obviously more than all that. He seemed to lose his train of thought, often looked confused, and his ‘voice was raspy and quiet from the outset and he often appeared to struggle to round off his sentences, tripping over his own words.’

Perhaps Genocide Joe was just stunned by the litany of lies pouring from Trump’s mouth, none of which were called out by the so-called moderators of the debate.

Struggling with sentences? Donald J Rapist does that all the time. When he doesn’t sound like Hitler, he sounds like a seven-year-old in a kindergarten sandpit, and is regularly incoherent, inventing words that do not exist.


As for the would-be assassin who clipped Trump’s ear with a bullet fired from an AR-15-style rifle – the MAGA mob’s automatic weapon of choice – at a rally last week, he was apparently a 20-year-old registered Republican voter who had yet to cast his first vote. How he missed – and how all of Trump’s considerable security and police protection missed spotting a man with a gun on a roof less than 150 metres from the stage – is astonishing. The conspiracy whackos are having a field day!

The FBI claims it has found no motive for the shooting. Motive? It’s Trump! What further motive would anyone need?

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